
Friday, June 4, 2010

If I can't run away to the sun...

I am ready to leave home...
well at least the rainy dark weather we have been experiencing 
here in Seattle.
So what's a girl to do?
Why paint of course!
Art is the only way to run away 
without leaving home.
Twyla Tharp
My dear son took some photos of me as I have virtually none of me
being creative...
I was hoping to give Gritty Jane's self portrait a try,
but would much rather paint my alter ego
{which the dictionary says is one's alternative personality or other self}
so I started two painting with that idea in mind...
I adore flowers and can think of nothing better than a huge,
overflowing bouquet spilling over...
and you all know my fixation with crows...
So here are the beginnings of my 'alter ego self portraits' 
(with me looking much younger in the crow painting)
and I will keep painting and sharing the process.
This will become a vase bursting with white flowers...
and pink roses will spill out here.

I have one rose blooming in the yard and it is curled up with mildew...
Oh summer where are you?
Our new patio is even green with moss!
At least art is not dependent on the weather.

Anybody else out there having weather issues?
Any new paintings you want us to see?
Leave a comment and your site link.
I'd love to visit
and get away from this weather ;-)...


  1. You should quit your day job and do this for a living...incredible...

  2. I love your work. I really do. Someday, when I have a little mad money, there will be a Holderman on my wall.

    Thanks for your comments on son #2. It's been a particularly difficult day and it helped to read what all of my kind readers had to say. I oknow he'll come through, it's just the getting there that is difficult.

    xo Erin

  3. You look so happy and content in your photo's, as my mum would have said busy as a bee and happy as can be.

    ~ Julie

  4. Can I come paint with you? Looks so fun!! I have to clean up my creative space every time. :( It's all over the kitchen table. Here in Portland Oregon the rain has turned us all into prunes. BIG PURPLE WRINKLY PRUNES! heheh Hugs!

  5. Love the pictures of you at work and those flowers are so pretty. Weather here is HOT so up at 5am trying to catch up on the Kelly Rae course! Life is getting in the way....

  6. Thank you, Pamela, for visiting my blog :-) I really love to see you work in progress and your wonderful paintings! It's so great to find so many artists thanks to the flying lessons!

    Have a wonderful week!

