
Friday, June 11, 2010

oh my, messing with the blog...

OK just so you know, I am currently messing with my blog design.  Why is this so painful?  I wasn't able to get my photos to fit in the other format and the color green was beautiful on my screen but not on others...  and I wanted the lettering to be larger so I could read it and could not get that with the old format.  So bye to my old friend and hello to new possibilities... I am trying and tweaking and it does not seem like home yet.  I am adding tabs too in hopes that it will eventually look more like a web site.  I have For Sale items listed but that is all so far.  It will take time to slowly fill these pages.  Not sure what else to do - any ideas?


  1. whoop! looks good!! :) it takes a while to get all the kinks worked out but it's awesome!! xoxo.

  2. I would love to reformat my blog, but I need help from my son (Nick, help me!!) He doesn't live here.
    I love what you've done so far--your artwork pops.

  3. So in other words, Pam, blogger shows you all the changes on the screen without you actually changing it-right?

  4. Correct, just don't press the "apply to blog" button and you can play all you want.
