
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

old frames find second lives...

These frames 
are finally getting second lives -
This beauty is becoming home to this textural hand...
love the background texture on this painting - 
not sure yet how the rest will look -
I think the hand will hold a card with a quote
and maybe some jewelry ...
What do you think?
and this will be a bucket of red, juicy summer berries
spilling over onto the table...
Oh yum!
or maybe some white roses 
will cascade over the sides instead -
oh too many decisions...
Do you have an idea for me?
and I do believe I will give the frame
a boost with some gold leaf -
that should make him (?) happy!

Finished my last kiddo class -
will post their beautiful art in a few days
as it will be your last kiddo art fix until September 
when class resumes again...
I am already going through withdrawals ;-[


  1. Oh Pam, You know just how to compliment those wonderful vintage frames. I like the vase with white roses--oooh that would look good.
    I envy you playing around with kids all day--what inspirations1

  2. i vote for is the your art and your frames...just winging in from flying lessons...great to connect

    blessings, rebecca

  3. Pamela, I love your work, it sings! I would love it if you could do some turorials online or just some really good tips on how you create such amazing textures and backgrounds for those of us who are learning and gleaning.

  4. I ADORE the tagline on your blog! The frames have so much texture and interest; it reminds me of historic architecture. From a fellow flyer, Robin

  5. thanks everyone. I'm still contemplating which way to go with the painting - cherries or roses, hmmm... And Suzanne I will try to do some tutorials this summer once school is out - one more week but who is counting!

  6. These are terrific! Love the frames. I can see why you were interested in my textures :-) Yours are pretty fine too!!

  7. Love these! All the texture + color. Love the hand as well. You are sotalented! I vote for cherries. just cause i like cherries.
