
Friday, June 25, 2010

pink as a poppy

the crinkly dress of the salmon poppies have
finally unfurled to lay bare their velvety center...
ahh how lovely -
summer is finally here...
and underneath this patch of beauty in the garden 
is a lone egg nestled amongst grass and 
its mother greets us each time we come near - 
she doesn't seem particularly panicked - 
just reminding us to keep our distance...
never seen a nest on the ground -
will keep you apprised of the situation.

my finger hurts today and I have laid low and tried to rest,
but that is so hard with so much beauty to see outside
and places to go and things to do - you get the picture...

 my  dear husband encouraged me follow through and send a painting  
off to Somerset Studio so he wrapped it, 
addressed it and delivered it to the PO.

Ok I will be good now and sit back on the sofa 
and keep my hand elevated and quiet...


  1. Oh Pam those poppies are jut gorgeous. My red ones faded a few weeks ago but there are a few things taking their place so the garden goes on. Those pink ones you have are so pretty!
    Hope your finger feels better quickly, take care..
    Tina xo

  2. So proud of you for sending (or letting your husband) send it in! That's one of my goals to, just send stuff everywhere and see what happens! Beautiful poppies. Get better.

  3. Zauberhafte Blü zart und zerbrechlich...
    Ich wünsche gute Besserung und Heilung...
    Liebe Grüße

  4. Beautiful photo!!!

    I am so sure you will receive positive feedback on your wonderful paintings!!!! :)

  5. Got to love poppies . . they're beautiful! No doubt, Somerset Studio will fall in loved with your work . . I know I did! God blessings, Sandy:O)

  6. oh girl, this bites. Sending you encouraging thoughts. Your finger is healing; visualize all the little cells holding hands and working together to make you whole again. Eat your favorite foods and watch some trash TV - that worked for me. xo

  7. I'm feeling for you and your finger - but maybe this is what you need right now (more computer, learning curve time) REST!! But I'm SO EXCITED for you sending off to Somerset - I'm so all over the map with my stuff I am so NOT ready for that. Keep us posted, I'm thrilled for you.

  8. thank you all for your kind comments. I will try to rest...

  9. Oh my gosh, I continued checking out your Blog and saw your "newest" painting - WOW I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!! p.s. the poppies are beautiful.

  10. oh Pam how I feel for you! Our hands are everything to us....our creative energy flows from them and we are bereft when anything happens to them. I happened to me a while ago. HUGS XXXXX
    Keep your hand well rested and if it starts to hurt more get it checked out to make sure it is not infected (oh dear...there is the nurse talking !!)

  11. beautiful color! poppies always remind me of crepe paper...
    hope you are healing well...

  12. What a beautiful poppy. I have never seen pink ones before and I love them! Thanks for sharing. What an amazing picture too.

  13. Hi, found you on Create by Faith and am now following you. Your art is amazing and really special. Will come and visit youu again when I have more time to read your posts. God bless you, you made my day! Patsy from
