
Thursday, September 2, 2010

your best and your own work?

another gem from Art and Fear...
In a general way,
fears about yourself prevent you from doing your best work,
while fears about your reception by others prevent you 
from doing your 'own' work.
this is so true isn't it?


  1. OH yes...I have ordered the book. Can not wait to read it.

  2. I ordered the book as well I think that is so true.

  3. Wow Pam how true that is!!! Fear is such an over riding emotion in creation for me. I am forever asking myself "is it done yet?" "Will anyone understand what I was trying to express?" and on and on....
    I am reaching a point recently where I am starting to have a healthier attitude towards my work and I am happy with that.
    Today I visited Cassandra's blog where she talked about a little artist called Maud Lewis, who was crippled, had no money, no nice art supplies and yet was a happy artist all her life. It changed how I view myself as an artist and my work. Your post today has added to that wonderful feeling today, thanks...
    Tina xo

  4. Pam, you hit the nail on the true that fear can impact our art so much.....I really have to calm the voices in my head that say..."look at all the talented artist out there why would you dare put your stuff on the blog....or what will they say?" I must get this book......

    Great Post....thanks

  5. That IS so true - I'm going to look into this book you mention.

  6. Yes it's so true--MUST get this book!

  7. Thanks for encouraging us today to be our authentic self!

  8. Well I recieved my book yesterday and it is all I hoped it would be. Thanks for letting us in on this little gem.

  9. Hi Pamela! So glad to have found your blog! I have just begun on my own creative journey and can soooo relate to this!! It is so true! I will have to check out this book! Sounds like it is great! :)

  10. Dearest Pamela, this is sooo TRUE! The book sounds really interesting and i will have to check it out too! Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!

  11. Yes, fear is a harmful blocker of creativity. Pushing down the walls is hard, but necessary in order to make room for growth.

  12. okay, you convinced me. i definitely need to get that book. love the art piece too!

  13. This is so true and something that I had to learn to start writing a decent blog. I held back so much for fear that I would anger readers or the things that I wrote wouldn't be received well. But it truly didn't become my blog until I wrote from my heart. What a wonderful lesson.

    xo Erin

  14. SO TRUE...
    and i think your artwork is amazing !!

    and your trip....those shops.....quick, i need a towel, i'm drooling.

  15. how do you keep coming up with this stuff? and what is that you've created? i love it
