
Sunday, December 19, 2010

a Sunday blessing

Snow globes are so magical -
especially with digital macro and some picnik additions...
This gift was presented to me Friday
by a Third grader
with a huge grin and an insistent "please open it now".
Gotta love that enthusiasm...
Just look at this magical world I unwrapped -
 a towering magical Bethlehem 
with poor Mary and Joseph 
 traveling in circles looking for a place for our savior to be born.
(don't you just feel like you are going in circles somedays?)
At least they get to be serenaded by "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem"
while they trudge through the snow as
...there was no room for them in the inn.
Luke 2:7
And this same young man named Zach 
then showed me this card he created in art.
Wow he is quite the artist which I already knew.
Just look at the graphic quality of the houses 
silhouetted against the night sky.
And Santa's sleigh just glides across the moon 
with Rudolph's nose illuminating the evening.
Well being one to promote all art in youth
I asked him if I could display it on my blog
and I told him I would send all your comments to him.
So I would love it if you would leave a word of encouragement 
for this fine young man.
Merry Christmas from Zach and me!


  1. Awesome! I love the shadows (houses and lawn) and especially how he used the dark around the white - like the moon and the lettering. Quite a creative kid!
    Have a merry Christmas, Pamela!

  2. What a wonderful and blessed gift to get Pamela! And the art work is fabulous, Zach's use of the moon to highlight and silhouette the sleigh, Santa and reindeer is amazing. I also love the quiet, sacred feeling I get looking at the darkened outlines of the houses.
    Zach has an incredible eye for composition and his grasp of tones and Seriously I would think he has a wonderful future in the art world!
    Third grade? Amazing work Zach!!!
    Tina xo

  3. What a fantastic gift to get from such a wonderful little budding artist.
    Zach's sketch is wonderful!
    I love the snow globe!

  4. I am absolutely speechless with delight! Zach you are an amazing artist - I do not think I could draw this any better. You are so clever putting Santa and reindeer across the moon - and really great drawing job I must say again I don't think I could do it! And the pencil work around the letters at the bottom to make them stand out, really ingenious! The buildings are neat as they stand in darkness - you should keep drawing all the time, whatever comes to your mind - Merry Christmas to you and your family - that was a beautiful gift you selected in the snow globe - you have a big heart that I can see all the way from here. hugs to you little man.

  5. First of all, what a beautiful gift that Zach gave to you - it is beautiful! And his sketch is wonderful! Zach - I encourage you to keep drawing. Like everything else, it gets better with practice, and you have a good start!

    xo Erin

  6. Zach--this is beautiful and a very special gift--don't ever stop using the creative gift that's been given to you--Merry Christmas to you both!!

  7. What lovely gifts~ & the snow globe is so beautiful. Zach your art is so amazing keep drawing and let your imagination keep soaring!
    Merry Christmas to you all~ Theresa

  8. Thanks everyone. I have been forwarding the comments to Zach.

  9. Zach's artwork is fabulous!! What a beautiful Christmas scene!

    Your snowglobe is very pretty!

    Merry Christmas to you!

