
Friday, January 28, 2011

hold me fast

I decided it was time to get back in here...
 and to quit procrastinating
and simply create something,
anything will do really...
it was so easy to slip away from creating when 
I cut my finger way last june,
but come on - enough is enough - it is what it is...
it's been way too long creating for just me -
lots of paintings half done wait my attention to be brought to life.
I am constantly creating for my students
 and getting lots of paint time in that way,
but it's not the same.
 so I cleaned up the space -
we'll see how long that lasts...
 love this old mailbox which holds lots of my stash.
 do pencils and brushes and paint and art supplies
just make you weak in the knees?
 if so then you can understand my stash
and no place to store it all!
 I decided to tackle this collage/painting today.
It is cardboard with spackle and papers and stickers
done about 9 months ago - 
maybe it is time for birth...
 it ended up looking like this.
I call it  hold me fast
from Psalm 139.
it reminds me that God is holding me tightly
every day during this grief thing
(and I keep crying because 1/3 of my mom's ashes are arriving in the mail today -
hey she's coming for a visit - that makes me laugh at least)
 these buttons are from her button stash...
 and this pot looks like one she would have made...
and I just adore texture and could get lost in it.
maybe that's a good place for me to be right now.


  1. oh, Pamela, this is rich with meaning, and history, and truth, and comfort. How beautiful.

  2. Pam. It's beautiful. Good job just getting something out on the paper. I know Grandma Phyll would have loves it.

  3. It's gorgeous, I love it and I love that you are creating for yourself again ( -:

  4. Beautiful and very heart felt. I love the symbolism

  5. I've been following along with your blog. I'm so sorry about your mom. My daughter and I went to Balboa last weekend. Use to live up in Oregon. I found it quite funny that your son didn't want to wear a crown. At least he's a good sport.

  6. Golden Acrylics, huh... Those are good... (((I'm not an artist but I used to work in an art supply store)))

  7. Oh Pam, I am so in the same boat. So many half finished pieces and zero motivation to... just finish! I love, love love the tour of your studio. So fun to see. And this piece is beautiful, with such special the scripture + the texture. as always, love your work + your photographs.

  8. Pam I'm so sorry for the grief that you have to work through--but I have to say that I loved this post. You have such a gift!

  9. Love your art and your studio -- the tour was awesome (with the labels) -- so fun!

  10. Pam I just love your beautiful work space and the painting is perfect!
    A big yes to the question about getting weak in the knees looking at art supplies!
    I hope you are feeling good and have many more lovely pieces of art in your heart that are just inching to get out into the world!
    Have a great weekend...
    Tina xo

  11. I really enjoyed this blog post-thinking of starting a blog myself and yours is very inspirational! Love your studio space and your work. so sorry about your Mom-hopefully your art will help you get thru a very difficult time. I too am in Misty's class and loving every minute of it! Carol Weiler

  12. Have lots of unfinished work myself. This is great- just the inspiration I need. I like your work and all the textures. So much to see and experience. Patsy from

  13. beautiful photos. your workspace is so awesome. love it~ beautiful way to honor your mom. and i love the psalms verse....i will have to bookmark that one in my bible.....
    i just used some of my mom's old buttons on one of my collages. our mom's live on in our art and our memories. xo art saves my soul~

  14. pamela, what a gorgeous post. your studio is stunning- full of treasures, so warm. i love how you prayed about your grief with your paint brush and creativity. lovely, lovely painting.

  15. Hi Pamela,
    I have been catching up reading your posts I have missed here. Oh my, what a beautiful creation you made here! Very, very nice! I love the meaning behind it all. I love your art studio too!!! What a joy to view these...:) Thanks for sharing!
    Saying a prayer for you today.
    Gloria xoxo
