
Thursday, January 6, 2011

a tribute to my mom

My dear, sweet, wonderful mom
passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday
from a torn aorta
and my world has been turned upside down...
so bear with me as I share the last photos of her 
(always with her camera in hand)
and three of the hundreds of poems she left us.
Phyllis Selleck
Absently, I eat dinner.
A candle on the table
glows orange
and outside the window
a moth flutters.
My cat chases the gray wings,
extending his black and brown stripes
as he swats -
claws clicking against the glass pane.

A blaze of clarity
illumines shadows in the room
and in my mind.
There is only this moment -
a window in time -
when nothing is growing older -
not the cat, moth or myself.

The window closes
and the vision ends;
each of us resumes
unfolding, aging, transcending - 
flowing through time.
and she had a sense of humor...

Phyllis Selleck
It's always been like that -
slight irritations -
not important in themselves
but always there, grit
amongst healthy green leaves.

However, thorns
would be worse than sand.
So, if given a choice,
I'd take sand over thorns.
I would not like 
to lie in a bed of roses.

and she freaked me out with this photo of me holding my dog
that she just happened to photoshop for fun...
ha ha you got me mom...

and I just found this poem
which takes my breath away.

 Phyllis Selleck
As I grow older
I discover in the mirror
others in myself:

my mother
in a moment of vulnerability
before she learned to mask the hurts;

plump-cheeked, placid
Grandma Jennie touching me
with round approval;

the child I was 
with wistful look.
I wonder -

will my daughter look in the mirror 
and catch her breath
at the sight of us?

You bet I will mom...
I will miss you more than I can imagine.
I hope you are photographing and putting into words
the glory of your new home.


  1. You have my deepest sympathy Pamela. I was just going to reference (and add a link) to one of your lessons when I saw the tribute to your mom. Wow, what a talent - beautiful poetry.Thank you for sharing your wonderful mother.

  2. Dear Pam...a beautiful tribute. Such a loving, thoughtful, creative Mom you have. The last poem brought tears to my eyes. So clear where you got your abundant creativity and talent. May God fill the hole in your heart with His love and happy memories of your mom.

  3. Pam I am sooo sorry sending hugs and prayers your way. What a beautiful tribute and what an awesome poem she wrote Mirror treats. Thinking of you~ Isabel

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss and touched by your tribute. Your memory of her is a testimony for the kind of person she was -- which, by all that I can see, was pretty wonderful.

  5. Pam, My heart feels so much for you . . I know what it feels like to lose someone you love so much. The pics of your Mom sure shows her personality . . she lived strong and that sense of humor is probably what kept her going. Her poems will be so precious to you. Lots of blessing and prayer to you and family, Sandy:O)

  6. I am so sorry, and am sure the pain you feel is almost unbearable. What a wonderful tribute you have given her, and what a beautiful, precious thing you have that you can hold in your hand and read over and over~her poetry. She painted with words and you have the gift of reading her thoughts...her beautiful, wonderful, touching thoughts. I love the picture she took of you with your dog face. What a great sense of humor. She must have been a wonderul woman. You are in my prayers, Pamela.

  7. What a very special lady and mother--I'm so sorry for you and your family Pam.

  8. Pam, this is beautiful. Love you!

  9. Pam
    Your tribute was amazing. You will always carry your mom in your heart. You are you because of her,as your own poem , I come from, described. You are in my prayers.

  10. you mom's poems are wonderful! what a joyous mother~
    i LOVE the photo of you holding the corgi....(i have a corgi too)!!
    sending you love and sympathy...wishing you joyous memories to get you through the newly made raging river..

  11. A beautiful tribute to a very talented woman. How lucky to have these genes.....

  12. i am so sorry. beautiful tribute and wonderful photos.
    i will be keeping you in my thoughts. xoxo

  13. this is such a beautiful tribute. her poems are quite heartfelt - i loved the one about time. keeping you in my thoughts.

  14. Dear Pam, May your mother's memory be close, may each day soften the pain & may you remember she is with you in spirit. Such a lovely tribute to a talented and wonderful mother~ My thoughts and prayers are with you. (hugs) Theresa

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I'm so sorry for your loss, Pamela.
    Wishing you strength in this difficult time.

  17. Dear Pam,
    I am so sorry for your loss. This post touched my heart and soul. What a wonderful tribute to your mom! I can definitely see where you got your artsy side from!!! :) Her poems are amazing too! What a sweet gift to read her heart written into poetry!! Beautiful!!
    (((((Pam)))))) sending you many hugs and prayers for comfort. XOXO

  18. Pamela, I am so sorry to hear about your mom's sudden passing. What a great tribute your post is to her. HUGS to you! -Shelly

  19. Pamela there are so few words I can say except my thoughts and prayers are with you. Your mom left you a wonderful legacy, the poems are priceless treasures and the photos golden words of wisdom filled to overflowing with heart and tenderness.
    The photo of you that she "photoshopped" almost had me on the floor! What a lovely lady with a brilliant sense of humor she were blessed!
    Tina xo

  20. hugs and prayers, pam.♥

  21. Sending you heartfelt sympathy and prayers. Claire x

  22. a big hug and thanks to each of you. It gets a little better every day...

  23. Thank you for your tribute to your mom. What a dear sweet lady, and what a joy she must have been to know.

  24. Hi Pam, She'll leave a void for sure, but we can take refuge in God's promise that she is dancing and taking pictures in a place with n o more pain. My mother-in-law died before Christmas, she was in a coma for 3 weeks. It was such a difficult and sad situation, but when we remember she was longing to be in her true home, it made it easier to say goodbye instead of praying for a miracle. I enjoyed your mom's poems.
    Patsy from

  25. Hello Pamela,
    I just "met" you on the FB page for Misty's class and left a comment there, but wanted to tell you here how touching and deep your mother's poems are. Thank you for sharing them . I hope you can somehow find solace.

  26. I just happened by here through another artist's blog. I am so sorry for the sudden loss of your mom. What a wonderful tribute and a glimpse into the creativity and humour of a special woman. What a talented lady!

  27. I am so touched by your Mom's work and by your tribute to her. What a talented writer and creative soul-- reminds me of you.

  28. Hi Pam, I was saddened and shocked when I clicked here today. Know that I am so sorry for your loss and so grateful that He will put a veil of comfort over you for however long it takes to find your balance again. I laughed as I scrolled down to the photo where she captured your likeness to your corgi, smiled as I read the poetry and discovered where the magic in you comes from, and cried my eyes out with the reminder of how deep the pain is to lose our Mothers. Mine is still there as if it happened yesterday - and although we never stop missing them we understand this is not our Home and we'll be with them again. If you haven't heard "Temporary Home" watch it here In the meantime (smile) they want us to walk on showing off all the gifts they gave us. In your case those gifts are many, amazing and obvious so please keep on showing off in my presence, I love it! I'll be praying. I'm off to reapply my makeup LOL but will be back to check on you ;-) p.s. it takes as long as it takes. love you.
