
Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Sunday Blessing - LGLG

Let Go Let God...
 bought this lovely in Port Townsend while
attending Art Fest.
It's called Grace.  
"they will be life for you, 
an ornament to grace your neck"
Prov. 3:21-23 
speaking of discernment.
 I just love it
and it makes me smile...
 especially love the the secret code on the back
as it says
(Let Go Let God).
something I need to remember daily.
I am starting to return to the land of the living
as this illness really took its toll.
you see I will admit that I totally freak out when I am sick
and I think I will never get well -
I think it's a lack of control thing really.
instead I need to rely on Him...
"My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness".
 it came wrapped in chiffon 
and packed in its own little travel tin.
 there is a gratitude rock
and even a blessing
"in all things the hand of god"
wrapped in irish thread...
oh how lovely...
for more check out Kathy's site.


  1. I am so happy that you are feeling better! I feel the same way when I'm sick...wondering if you'll ever feel normal again.

    I love the cross and the message. I am working on the same thing. Thank you for sharing...I will remember LGLG.

  2. Dear Pamela - I am warmed deep to my core and honored by your lovely post. Such a gift to know that my work is well cared for and perpetuates the chain of inspiration.
    blessings - kathy

  3. Good choice getting that piece, it's lovely and the message is one to remember. I'm like you, just go into the total dumps when I am sick.

  4. Love the message it carries with it:O) I checked out the site and LOve her jewelry!!! Thanx for sharing glad you feel better!!!!:O)

  5. such a beautiful post :)...thank you for stopping by my blog for that sweet visit...enjoy your son! :) jan

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