
Monday, September 5, 2011

labor day means no labor

 if you were coming over today 
I would first offer you some sun tea...
 and a place to sit down
 and then I'd offer you some wursts,
sweet potato fries (the best from Trader Joes).
green beans marinated with onions and olive oil,
peppers cooked about 2 hours on the stove in balsamic vinegar...
and then let out Zoe to keep you company...
and you would hear the nearby fountain
bubbling away
as the glass balls clink
 then you'd see the newly discovered bird's nest
sitting atop its new home...
 and the sun would slowly go down
on this perfect day
 but the fun would just begin.
 we get so few perfectly beautiful summer days here in the PNW
so I just had to share some more photos of the yard
so I can remember it when the weather turns,
which will be soon enough.
 I had fun overlaying these 2 old papers.
you are welcome to pull them off and use them for your photo enhancing.
I first used them here.
So what are you doing to celebrate 
the final days of summer?
ready for the cool crisp days of autumn?
not me...more summer please.
and I do believe today will find me in the studio 
dabbling in some plaster and joint compound too
after I have had my sun fix 
and given you your second helping of iced tea ;)


  1. Dearest sweet pam, i love this post so much! I know i would have really enjoy spending the day with you at your beautiful home and garden! This is as good as it gets! Thanks so much for taking us around. Oh and i am really loving these 2 old papers textures. Soooo beautiful! Thank YOU so much for sharing. Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!

  2. oh Pam! I wish I could stop by for some sun tea and some relaxing time in the yard!! :)

  3. Thanks for the invitation, Pamela. I would so enjoy to come to your beautiful home. I often think I live in the wrong country (especially when it come to art). And what the weather concerns, too. We had also so few summer days here in Germany. I hope autumn brings just some sunny days.

  4. mmmm...i do feel as if i've had a lovely visit with you. :) thank you for sharing your home... :)

  5. What a beautiful back yard you have!!! All the lovely treasures:O) Love the doors!!!! Well for the first time today our temps finally dropped into the 80s a true blessing, so i enjoyed like I always do, but today especially my morning sit outside on my patio with a cool breeze:O)Thanks for visiting:O)

  6. Indeed what a lovely day...

  7. I'll be there in 5! hope you had a great weekend... your backyard is so pretty xo

  8. Pamela - Hi - so lovely to hear from you again...and i you!

    I will be over soon to sit in your sun and enjoy all those home comforts :)


  9. Hi Pamela! So happy to have found your blog and discovered your amazing artistic talent. Thanks for your kind and encouraging comments on my blog(s). :) Have a great rest of the week!

  10. O really a perfect day!!!
    I sit down.

    Tomorrow summer will be back in Germany!
    So I will enjoy my garden!

    ♥ Franka

  11. We are taking walks, sipping iced tea too, and looking forward to cooler weather. I miss baking, it's too hot to do that right now!

    Your photos are amazing! I love the ones of your back deck and the different lighting shots from your home. I did a similiar set of photos while visiting our daughter in Georgia from her balcony at her apartment. Your home and garden are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing (the old papers are wonderful)!

    Have a sweet day!

