
Monday, July 21, 2014

an iPad fingerpainting kind of summer

 This summer is of course sailing along way too quickly.  
I am enjoying fingerpainting on my iPad
and I have about 12 finished pieces.
If you happen to glance over at my Etsy link on the right of this page
you would see nothing there.  
Correct, my store has been empty and I am trying to remedy that.
I plan to have 20 prints for sale by September.
A lofty goal but just one finger dipped in virtual ink at a time will get me there. :)
Here are some of the pieces including prints of my paintings 
that I then draw over and embellish on the iPad.  
The best of both worlds...
I have been enjoying summer's bounty at the farmer's market
and kale and lettuce so far from our garden,
 and iced tea is my go-to beverage with orange mint from the garden.
I have new bowls from Anthropologie which are the perfect size for sorbet.
Our Zoe is getting old :( and I am hoping this isn't her last summer with us,
but at 14 1/2 she has finally stopped fetching and is starting to slow down,
but her appetite is as good as ever 
and she patiently waits for me to drop something yummy
as she knows I can be kinda clumsy with food.

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