
Saturday, June 19, 2010

summer sedums

"In the Garden, my soul is sunshine."
sedums always amaze me with their resiliency...
they can survive freezing temps,
sizzling heat,
 little water,
and still keep on doing their thing...
my kind of plant.
they seem to have an inner strength
and even bugs don't mess with them.
seriously wish I was more like a sedum right now...
feeling a little overwhelmed switching gears 
with school out and summer starting...
 soo much to accomplish around here and no summer weather in sight...
will have to keep repeating that quote to myself as I weed and prune...
my soul is sunshine, my soul is sunshine...


  1. Hi Pamela
    I know how you feel I have been weeding constantly for weeks and only a few flowers have bothered to show their little faces. Right now we are gearing up for a major thunderstorm with the possibility of hail!!! Let's hope tomorrow is a little nicer! Have a lovely Sunday...
    Tina xo

  2. beautiful photo pamela...
    yes, summer just can't quite get started...we are having much cooler days here in no. cal. than we normally would...
    i suppose it will get hot soon enough..
    enjoy the weekend...

  3. They really are hardy plants {they're perfect here in the southern states of Australia during our drought}. I'd like to also take a leaf out of their book!

  4. What a very lovely phrase "my soul is sunshine." These words immediately bring to mind warmth, radiance, depth...all around goodness. Thanks!

  5. love the image and the sentiment...
    hi from a fellow flier... how are you enjoying the class?

  6. I love the class Malia - glad to meet you.
