
Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Sunday Blessing

Just saw the Israeli movie Lemon Tree -
In the movie one character says
"Bless your hands"
when a gift is offered to him.
Isn't that the coolest expression?

Hands are truly amazing  - 
they can paint, play the piano, sculpt a topiary,
create a meal and reach out to others.
I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands.
Psalm 63: 4

So next time someone brings you something from the heart, 
why not say to them "Bless your hands."
Try it out - I bet you'll get a smile!
Bless your hands and mine!


  1. What a beautiful thing and I love the scripture reference also! Thanks for getting my Sunday off to a terrific start!

  2. Love that idea, Pam. I'll have to check out that movie.

  3. i love this, and the verse from psalms! i am always saying "bless your heart", but i think i will try that...
    your art is so beautiful, love the header on your blog...
    blessed sunday to you...

  4. As a musician, this phrase applies to me as well. I'm reading a book called "The Art of Practicing" that I hope will teach me to relax and truly enjoy my practice time -- I think I'll start by asking God to "bless my hands".

  5. Hello Pamela,
    This is very beautiful and I am thankful that you posted this and I just happened to come by today. I just added myself as a follower and I will connect via FB too. I taking Flying Lessons also.
    All my best for a lovely week. I am going to look around some more. Bless your hands~ Theresa

  6. Hello Pamela,
    I'm coming over from Flying Lessons-so glad I did! Your post is serendipitous... I posted about my hands yesterday ;)
    My best,

  7. I meant to say, your header is fabulous!

  8. This is such a lovely post. My daughter just got a cast put on her hand, and I am realizing how important our hands are to us!

    I have something for you on my blog. Please stop by and check it out!

    xo Erin
