
Friday, July 30, 2010

eat, drink and be merry

My book club came over last night...
After I put out the food and drink,
Zoe went into guard mode for me...
and guarded this yummy spread of bruschetta, grapes,
 and cream cheese layered with chutney and hazelnuts
(so easy and simply the best).
Our book of the evening was Loving Frank by Nancy Horan.
As it pertains to Frank Lloyd Wright I went with the architecture theme.
So I put down blue prints as a table cloth (thanks Doug)
and displayed this petite building complex
created by architect Kim when she was a student.
Then we had a lively discussion while sipping wine on the patio 
and enjoying the beautiful Seattle evening...
doesn't get any better than this.

Guess what?  Monsieur Nick is in Chicago on the second leg of his journey
and will be home this evening...tres bien.
This morning I went to the finger doctor and she said I can begin using my digit - 
at 5 1/2 weeks I never expected to hear that.  Yippeee!!! Our bodies are amazing!
Have a truly wonderful weekend -
I know I will!


  1. How fun a book club!! One of these days i will find one here, I love to read:O) Glad to hear all is better w/ ur finger~ Have a creative relaxing evening:O) Isabel

  2. Hi Pam and what wonderful news about your finger!
    Sounds like a great book club and for that food spread I would read anything, :)
    Have fun with your son back home I bet he has lots of stories to tell!
    Tina xo

  3. The book club looks like it would have been fun even without the book :) hee hee. yay! Glad it was fun! beautiful pictures!! xoxo.

  4. Beautiful!! And so glad to hear you are 10 fingered again (well, 8 and 2 thumbs). :-D

  5. I've been in the mood to read lately...finished three books, and I just purchased several more. I'd love to start a book club! It looks like you had a great time! Beautiful table and yummy treats! Zoe is adorable, too!

  6. Congratulations!!! Finally. What was the book? I'm jaelous of your photoshop prowess with these photos. Love it!Cheese + crackers look so good. I could live on the stuff. Can't wait to see what your healthy finger is up to:)

  7. So glad to hear your finger is doing so much better. Amazing how dependent we artists are on all our fingers until something happens. Your book club looks like so much fun. I'd love to be able to spend time discussing books, drinking wine and enjoying Seattle with you. My husband and I were there last summer and truly enjoyed it.

  8. Love what you did with the pictures...isn't photoshop wonderful? the food looks wonderful...

    I can't tell you that I always have a jerk reaction when you have Zoe in a picture...she looks so much like our Spanky...who we miss so much.....

    So glad you finger is better...what great news....

  9. Yay! So happy to hear your hand. And how clever to match the decor with the book club selection (-:
