
Monday, July 5, 2010

guest blogger - Matteo

Hi I am Matteo, your guest blogger for today...

Since my mom still needs to rest her finger 
she thought it would be good for me to post a blog and give her a break.
So first things first, I have been hanging out in her computer chair to keep her away from the computer because she is a tad addicted to it
and her finger hurts every time 
she stays on too long.
My stealing her chair is not without worries as she has sat on me a couple of times 
because I sorta blend into the black leather...
so now I sleep with one eye open.

She thought I could tell you how important it is 
to chill out, relax and lead a balanced life-
something she is not very good at...
and if you blog and create art and have kids - 
well you could probably use a lesson too.
Since I used to be homeless and lived on the streets of a big city and lost lots of my fur and spent all my time 
hustling to stay alive -
well I know something about a balanced life.
So here are my top 8 tips for staying relaxed and in balance -
drumroll please...
1.  Gather all your favorite art supplies, books, 
whatever makes you happy and
use and enjoy them.
2. In the Pacific Northwest this goes without saying - 
the first very important lesson my mom learned 
when she moved here.
3.  Learn how to relax amidst a crisis -
here I am totally tangled up in my work...
but do I panic?
No sirreee, I just plop myself down 
and take a chill pill and sort it out.
4.  Learn who gives the best back rubs in your house and 
firmly take advantage of it 
even while he is in the middle of work -
the way I see it - you are doing him a favor 
as everyone should know how to multitask.
5.  Learn to nap whenever your body 
tells you to.

6.  Love your enemy and try to find the good in her -
even when she is pushy and invades your space
and smells...
well you get the picture.
7.  It is important to be open to new experiences
even if those things might pop in your face.
8.  Keep in shape by trying new things.
phew that wore me out - time for a nap.
What wisdom have you learned from your pets 
so I can tell my mom-
let's make a list...


  1. Thanks Matteo--very good advice,and I hope your Mom is taking it!

  2. Pam your "guest" blogger gives wonderful advice which I know I for sure need to heed! Thanks Matteo you are very wise!
    Tina xo

  3. matteo...
    you are a wise kitty.

  4. Okay. I am speaking from beyond, but, I, Sammie the cat, taught my owner one crucial thing. Forgive quickly, never stay angry and love big. You see I would get mad when left alone and stick my nose in the air when they returned, but, gee, that was no I would quickly jump in their lap and get the true love I deserved.

  5. Matteo,
    You are truly a wise kitty. My kitty just told me to listen to all of what you said.
    She licked me just like you do with your Mommy..
    and I said.. "okay".. I will listen to Matteo
    nice post.. lol
    hugs, Darlene

  6. What a fun, and wise post! Love Matteo,obviously a very smart cat. Please join FrenchGardenHouse for our 1st summer GIVEAWAY and to meet Connie. xo Lidy

  7. oh what a great fun post! what a clever cat! thank you Matteo!
    and thank you Pamela for visiting my blog :)
    take care,

  8. this is so cute + so funny. i hope matteo is welll rested after all of his guest blogging!

  9. What precious pictures and good advice.....
    I found you through blog roll and I have enjoyed visiting your blog.....It's great

  10. I love dogs (we use to have a Golden Retriever) and it was hard to choose between Zoe's and Matteo's post but I had to add a comment here because we have a short hair Tuxedo cat, Perdita, or DeeDee as we call her most of the time. I enjoyed reading Matteo's post. I've also enjoyed looking around your blog and seeing your art. It's beautiful. I want to read your "Art Fest Painting #1" again and check out the links you included. Love your blog name too. I found you through the "Blog Hop."

