
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

quiet waters - a photo tutorial

Since the finger won't allow me to paint yet,
 I decided to be creative and make lemonade out of lemons so to speak...
so I scanned two magazine photos
 from the current issue of House Beautiful...
and I put one on top of the other.
Then the experimenting started...
this one is color burn in photoshop and
this one is multiply & vintage photo
Finally I moved the two images to Picnik
and continued to play.
I added focal bw, 
matte with an aqua border,
cinema scope
and the font is Rascunho Errado.
I love the way the finished piece (first one) turned out
but wish they were my photos so I could print them...
If you haven't tried it - you must!
All the apps I used are free!
Oh and btw - Zoe is still working on her blog -
she has been a little lazy as dogs sometimes do
and has spent the last two hours working on a rawhide bone...
promise I will get her to finish her blog post soon...
So what are your favorite photo apps?
If you have a great photo technique you would like to share 
then leave your link in the comments (with details on how you did it)
and we can all come and visit!
I would really love to see...


  1. Oooh, I wish I had the time to fool around with this. I wouldn't even know where to start--this is so darn cool. I love the look of digital art. Hope your finger is getting better!

  2. Hi Pamela,I also try sometimes to work with my Photos.I`m working with PHOTOSCAPE.
    I like it when the Photos lokk a little bit older or put in SEPIA or BLACK and WHITE...
    If you like to see some of them,please look at them at my Blog or at the PHOTO Community from WOHNEN und GARTEN.My User-Name there is "Decofloral"..
    Nice to meet you on "BLOG"

    Have a good time

  3. ooo. You are getting soooo good at this!! :) makes a teacher proud :) hee hee. love what you did with this photo!! xoxo.

  4. Oh Pam I admire anyone who understands all the apps and someday I hope to at least learn how to use some of them. Right now I am doing well to re-size and touch up the brightness and contrast!!
    My son tells me that photoshop is easy and I am sure it is, but by the time I am finished working on a piece of art and taking a picture of it, I am done...:)
    You did a fabulous job on your photo-tweeking!
    Tina xo

  5. Very Cool... I always wondered how you got that special look with your photos.

    I use Picnik too. I live using the "polaroid" frame.

    Hope your hand is feeling better.
