
Friday, November 5, 2010

christmas is right around the corner...

oh my no plan to blog today as I am super sick,
but just came across this must see to share...
it will put you in the gift-giving mood... I promise.
thanks to Trish for spotting it and sharing.


  1. Isn't it full of great ideas!?! Thanks for linking to me, Pamela! Enjoy your day.

  2. I'm kind of getting in the Christmas spirit early this year too!! Such an exciting time!
    I hope you are taking it easy and sipping chicken soup? This is not the time of year to have one of those drag out colds....yuck!
    Take it easy and rest up...
    Tina xo

  3. Awwww...:( sorry to hear you are sick. Saying a prayer for you to feel better soon. Rest and take it easy.

    pretty magazine!

    xoxo Gloria
