
Sunday, November 14, 2010

a good day indeed

the other day I met a friend at University Village
to spend time with her and her adorable son,
and to do a little shopping.
Ravenna Gardens always has the most wonderful displays...
and their garden shed would fit perfectly in my backyard...
and their pumpkins and gourds were every orangish color imaginable... 
and their plants' textures were amazing...
and of course Anthropologie had a cute little indoor artist's shack
with paint brushes and jars with paint spilled on them...
and lanterns made of canning jars.
and just look at this autumnal sofa - 
I so want it to come spread its autumn cheer at my house.
 the drive home was just beautiful 
and since there was boat traffic at the Montlake Cut
and I had to wait for the bridge to open and let the boat through and then close...
well my handy dandy little camera took a snap through the sunroof-
just love my Subaru's sunroof, the best part of the car...
and there was more roadwork by Lake Sammamish,
but how could I complain with a view like this?
and knowing I just picked this book up at the library
and would get to read it when home.
seriously get this book from the library -
just put your name on the waiting list and wait
because you will.
it's that good.
with gems like this...
and this wise ole owl.

I am so cheery in this post - 
I wrote it about a month ago and forgot to post it.
I have been sick with about the worst cold known to man or woman this week,
but I may see the light at the end of the tunnel
and I am oh so optimistic and keeping fingers crossed that it will be gone 
by Monday (ya, right...),
or at least that I can fake it well enough to go to school 
and do my TA thing,
and teach art,
 and enjoy a birthday party for me and the teacher I work with -
 so must get well, must get well.
hope this post finds you well and looking forward to the holiday season.
ye gads don't think I am there yet.
can't muster the idea with a mucous-filled head-
maybe it seeped way into my brain.
back to bed...


  1. what a great day
    & i adore the
    from that book!!

  2. now that is some delicious eye candy!
    hope you are feeling better...

  3. Gorgeous pictures. And I love the pics from the book.
    I am glad you are feeling better then that earlier post.

  4. Beautiful photos of your day! That book has wonderful illustrations! What a great view to have while having to sit and wait in your car.
    I hope you are feeling better now.
    Saying a get well prayer for you...
    xoxo Gloria

  5. Let's see if I can get these in the right order...
    1) Feel better soon!!!
    1) Happy Birthday! (Yes, two number ones - feeling better and birthdays - both top priority.) :)
    2) Loved the inspiring photos... makes me want to go out into the world and see again
    3) Putting that Charlie Harper book on my wish list!
    4) FEEL BETTER! (Can't hurt to throw that in there again!)

  6. I hope you're feeling better by now and enjoying a Happy Birthday. Best wishes and happy cake eating!

  7. Dearest sweet pam, it was indeed such a beautiful day out with your friend and her son! WOW im loving this shop Ravenna Gardens...the displays are amazingly beautiful! Oh and that book looks really interesting...beautiful illustration! Oh and im so so sorry to hear that you are feeling unwell ~ i hope you feel better soon and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have a lovely merry joyful weekend! Love to you!

  8. That sofa is so yummy as we don't have Anthropologie in the Boro, What a beautiful day!

  9. I'm really liking your blog! Lovely photos! :)
