
Friday, May 13, 2011

how does your garden grow?

how does your garden grow?
hopefully not with moles devouring your harvest...
but the kids thought this part was a hoot
so we do what makes them happy.
I have been intrigued with the idea of painting a garden scene
that looks like a cross section
of sky and earth...
with a furry creature residing it its depths.
first we stenciled a design that resembled dirt,
added some splatter,
and then planted some root vegetables,
gave them some stenciled green leaves,
added tunnels,
and a happy gardener
who hopefully befriends his furry companion...
and the following verse...
You care for the land and water it;
you enrich it abundantly.
the streams of God are filled with water 
to provide the people with grain,
for so you have ordained it.
You drench its furrows
and level its ridges;
you soften it with showers
and bless its crops.
You crown the year with your bounty,
and your carts overflow with abundance.
Psalm 65: 9-11
I have not even thought about the garden or yard
to be truthful.
I am definitely a fair weather gardener
and our weather has been depressing to say the least... sigh
So I would like to know what the weather is like 
where you live and
what is the favorite thing out in your garden right now???


  1. Hi Pam, any excuse to visit your blog. First, thanks for the kind words - and I'm sorry for your empty place too - my Mom's birthday is coming too - would have been June 1 - I'll be thinking of you in July with love. Before I forget I have to tell you that I think grand puppy Samwise is about the cutest thing ever! Early in the week here it went from 55 degrees to 95 and this afternoon dropped back to the 50's and I couldn't be happier!!!! My favorite thing is my lilac bushes ;-) hugs.

  2. Love these paintings:O) Ha well my weather here is like really HOT! We are having a mild cool front so it dropped to 60's in the evening and high 80's in the day, my favorite in the garden are petunias and geraniums:O) Thanx for stopping by and the kind words:O)

  3. What a great idea for a spring art painting project for kids. I love all the different techniques you used in creating the painting. Drawing, painting, stenciling, splatter, collage, too fun! I live in Southern California less than a mile from the beach, and weather is pretty typical for late spring at the coast. Sunny to partly cloudy, 65- 72 degrees. My roses have just finished their first major bloom, the sweet peas are starting theirs, and the bell peppers and tomatoes are just starting to grow ..I feel very lucky to be able to enjoy this weather considering so many folks across this country of ours are dealing with disastrous weather conditions..thanks for the peak in your classroom..

  4. Wow our lilacs are not even close to blooming nor are any roses or vegies. So many of my plants died with the cold winter too. I do have wisteria just starting to open so that should be beautiful!

  5. I lost my rosemary. probably due to the freeze we had last winter, but my sage survived! my tiny strawberries are blooming, but nothing is planted in the garden yet.

  6. I love this post Pamela! What a wonderful project for these kids. You are a special teacher.

  7. Hi Pam,
    Your garden paintings turned out wonderful. I'm finishing Peter Rabbit discovers Monte's Garden. I'll let you know how they turn out. See you soon. Susie

  8. Oh goodness- I haven't stopped by in a while, and am so happy that I did today. Your class project is wonderful! I love how expressive each child's piece is. You do such marvelous art and you must be a fabulous teacher as well. Glad I visited again... best to you Pam.!

  9. Love the artwork! Great learning idea for the kids to think about what is under the surface too!!

    Our weather has been cloudy, windy, and cool the last few days with a bit of rain here and there. This comes after we had hot temps (like a heat wave) the 90's. Very strange weather! We turned the air-conditioner on then had to switch it back to the heater.

    My white roses are my favorite part of the garden. I am also enjoying the smell of the honey suckle bush growing on the fence. When we walk out back door the smell is very strong! :)

    Thinking about you, and saying a prayer for you today, dear friend.

