
Sunday, September 25, 2011

a Sunday Blessing - my little green friend

can you see him?
my little green friend 
has insisted on making his home
in and on our hose carrier.
he has lived here for months 
and guess what happens
whenever I want to water?
he goes around and around and around
and he holds on for dear life
and refuses to let go.
it is a froggy merry go round.
just love that persistence...
he is my hero.
he refuses to be bullied
and intimidated.
he refuses to relinquish his beautiful home
with its hollow plastic center and awesome aqua color.
I am so careful not to squish him 
and fearful as 
he is often napping between the hose coils.
The Lord is my rock, my fortress
and my deliverer;
my God is my rock,
in whom I take refuge.
Psalm 18:2
may I be reminded of my little green friend
and cling to my rock, my fortress
with the same fierceness
and determination that he shows.


  1. Love it. We have a little frog who has been living under the BBQ cover on top of the BBQ all summer! We look for him and I pick him up and move him before we fire up!

  2. LOVE THIS!! I would be so paranoid to smash him too. So cool you could have a frog as a hero...God is everywhere!
    Love to you
