
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

good morning crows

looked out my window while drinking coffee this morning...
and I spotted these two having a conversation 
perched on the top branches.
I wonder what they are discussing?

Bob:  So what shall we do today?
Steve:  I don't know.  The ground is too frozen to get worms right now.
I would like to make some art.
Bob:  Really, what are you in the mood for?
Steve:  Maybe we could find some twigs and spell out 'soar'.
Bob:  Hmmm well I would rather paint.
Steve:  OK let's make some mixed media.  
You get the sticks and I will go find some ketchup and mustard 
from a trash bin. (BTW it is trash day).
Bob:  OK meet you back here. 

It could happen...


  1. I love watching the birds, and crows! Very relaxing, especially with a cup of coffee..:)

    Loving all of your pretty photos from your last post too. Very inspiring!!

    Happy day to you!!


  2. yes it could :)! i wish i lived a stone's throw from ya...i'd hop over to your place myself and see if we could make a mess together! :)

  3. wouldn't that be fun! I'll bring the ketchup...

  4. Such a lovely imagination... what fun! :]
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. It could.... have you seen the video on youtube of the crow sliding down a roof on a lid?

  6. yes and it does, every morning at my house. How dare I drink a cup of tea...and ponder life...while they are out there...on my neighbor's roof (with a clear view of my kitchen), on the fence the cherry tree...cawling in their breakfast orders. If there is to be any peace...any enjoyment of my precious cup of tea...the crow-monkeys must be fed. It is very quiet now...they can't tawwwwwk with their mouths full! Have a good day Pam!
