
Thursday, February 9, 2012

you probably think all we do in Seattle is drink coffee...

and you would be right-
at least in winter when the yellow orb makes little appearance.
I need my latte even if it is only decaf.
 My husband stacked these on the kitchen counter
and they just invited a photo op - don't you think?
 And the above shot is at coffee house last weekend.
Now I am just messing with different phone apps.
 Finally here is a shadow reflected on the wall
while we were again sipping those lattes.
Hope you each have a wonderful weekend.
I do foresee some plaster painting for me - 
gotta get my artfest trades started.
As picnik will be shutting down soon, 
What are your favorite photo apps for iphone
or photoshop or ?
I would love to know...


  1. I used to use Hipstamatic and Instagram all the time but now my favorite app to use is Magic Hour-there is a "lite" (free) version. It offers a huge amount of filters and I really love it. I think it is all I have been using for about 6 months. Have fun!
    PS--what do you use?

  2. Thanks Sadie, I will have to try it out. These photos were taken with Scratch Cam. It costs $1.99 I believe. I also like Cartoonatic and Picture show. I tend to use these and then put them on Instagram. So many fun apps for iphone. But I am really bummed that picnik is closing. Anybody know anything like it?

  3. We drink a lot of coffee here in California too! (LOL)
    But, I could see how it would smell so delightful on a cold, wet, rainy day... up there in Seattle. :]
    I t won't be long, before this city girl moves up there. Husband is retiring this year, we have property on Whidbey Island.
    I use ART STUDIO on my iPhone.
    Happy Friday! (hugs)

  4. Loving the sad Picnik is shutting down.I Love the smell of coffee but not a drinker:O)

  5. Love your photos! Makes me want to go get a cup of latte now. Thank you so much for your sweet comment on blog about my mother. Have a wonderful time at Artfest this year. We will not be able to make this year. So sad that it is the last one.
