Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Would you invite Jonah and the Whale to eat lunch with you?

OK this was a fun one!
The theme consisted of drawing crustaceans and placing them over a pattern.
I thought outside the box -- when does that not happen?
I decided Jonah and the Whale would be a good theme.
So I took mixed media patterns and drew over them on the iPad.
This one reminded me of the submarine ride at Disneyland years ago.
It always freaked me out because the water would drip in from the top portal as 
we purveyed the watery landscape outside our window.
And granted the subject matter might be a little bold for kiddos,
but not according to the kids I teach.
They would love it; guess they think a little outside the box too ;)
Since I still am not paying for a monthly Photoshop subscription (sigh),
I decided to do the next best thing and make my mock up in the virtual world.
So I printed and cut out the plates
and gave them a great table setting.
What a fun assignment and class.
I will miss Lilla Rogers' Bootcamp when it is over.
Only one more assignment next month ;(

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