Finally it's my turn to post...
if you are recent to this blog then let me introduce myself -
My name is Zoe and I am a 9 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
My mom is allowing me this guest post while her finger heals.
She thanks you all for asking how she is doing;
the finger is healing but starting to hurt more and
she is hoping that means the nerves are reattaching
and nothing more.
She is a tad down and finds it hard to sit still
and the worst thing is that she won't throw the ball to me
and no art is happening.
I live with her and Doug and I love fetching and herding my family...
yep that is what I do...
especially on walks - and when strangers come to the door,
well who are we kidding - when anyone comes to the door.
It's just what I do.
thought you might enjoy seeing a little bit of my world....
We walked to Pine Lake Park the other night for a 60's concert.
There were lots of dogs to see,
but my mission was to herd my parents through the park and back home.
It's just what I do.
It was a beautiful summer day.
Summer doesn't get any better than here,
that is after summer actually arrives and decides to stay...
Then Saturday we went on a long drive in the car...
I usually don't go on these outings as I get a little dizzy and carsick.
I am too short to see out and Mr. Nick is in Paris and could not hold me.
sigh, I miss my boy.
First we went to Gig Harbor, a beautiful little town west of Tacoma.
Oh mom, of course we had to pose...
how embarrassing!
and I was planning on eating these yummy colored items left right on the sidewalk
until my mom showed me that there was a sidewalk drawing contest going on.
very cool art...
even got my white paws colored from it -
I kinda like the look.
Then my adventure continued at a family party.
I met Maddie and Bella -
they were young whippersnappers and made me nervous
as they ganged up on me -
I am an old lady you know
and I like my quiet.
I enjoyed spending time with my good friend Tess.
Now there's a dog who gets me.
She had the largest beef bone and
I got to gnaw on it a couple of times.
I had a whimpy rawhide and I wanted Tess' bone
and she wanted my rawhide.
The grass is always greener right?
So I had to eat my rawhide as fast as I could so she would not get it,
but then I threw it all up... drat.
Here's my favorite Ella who loves cheerios -
my kinda girl...
She did not spill as many as I had hoped, drat...
She didn't feel very well...
my mom thinks she has the cutest bum...
but then again she says that about mine.
Now I for one covet her shoes -
red and pink and cherries -
how cute are these?
and these are her ladybug shoes...
I seriously wanted to put all 4 of them on my feet and sneak out -
do you think anyone would have noticed?
On the ride home I saw my first train - a little loud and big and scary
so I moved to the other side of the car...
I really prefer just hanging out at home
(It's just what I do),
but I did enjoy myself today.
I have more to share so mom said I can blog again sometime if you guys like it,
so please comment if you do!
I gotta get more comments than the cat's post (9) so comment here please
and give the dog some support.